Stay away from No Credit Check Apartments or Homes. Everyone does a Credit Check these days. If they do not do a credit check then you will get stabbed checking your mail sometime during your lease. We Co-Sign or acts as a Lease Guarantor for a Luxury Apartment not a crappy no credit check apartment. Best Schools Best Neighbor hood. Best property Mngt companies. Tips on renting. If you see police cars in assigned parking spaces then you know your at the right apartment. Police dont want a discount on rent at a Crappy no credit check apartment becauset when you do get stabbed checking your mail they will have to deal with it just for a discount on rent. Police officers go to Luxury apartments so they dont have to deal with anything because everyone has perfect Credit and great jobs and everyone is super nice to one another at a A+luxury Apartment community. We will Supply the Credit so you feel right at home. Go to to learn more or 917-633-4703 David
Stay away from No Credit Check Apartments or Homes. Everyone does a Credit Check these days. If they do not do a credit check then you will get stabbed checking your mail sometime during your lease. We Co-Sign or acts as a Lease Guarantor for a Luxury Apartment not a crappy no credit check apartment. Best Schools Best Neighbor hood. Best property Mngt companies. Tips on renting. If you see police cars in assigned parking spaces then you know your at the right apartment. Police dont want a discount on rent at a Crappy no credit check apartment becauset when you do get stabbed checking your mail they will have to deal with it just for a discount on rent. Police officers go to Luxury apartments so they dont have to deal with anything because everyone has perfect Credit and great jobs and everyone is super nice to one another at a A+luxury Apartment community. We will Supply the Credit so you feel right at home. Go to to learn more or 917-633-4703 David